Influenza Season

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Motivation & Objectives

The United States has an influenza season where more people suffer from the flu. Hospitals and clinics, therefore, need additional staff to treat extra patients who are particularly in vulnerable populations, developing complications and end up in the hospital. As a data analyst, I am here to help a medical staffing agency, who provides this temporary staff, to:

Data source

Both datasets are collected from CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).

data exploration in Excel

Data exploration was initially conducted in Excel, including data cleaning, data integrity check and data mapping.


Two columns ‘State’ and ‘Year’ were identified fully identical in both data sets.


A combined key using 'State' and 'Year’ was created to facilitate the integration of two data sets and the integration was completed using the VLOOKUP() function.

storytelling in Tableau

Results were visualized and an storyboard was created in Tableau.